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What's Happening Now

*Our first Jingle Babies Performance was a huge Success! We are so pleased to add this to the list of services we provide in our preschool program!


*We successfully completed our "Adopt A Family" for the Holidays list. We helped two families in need to have a complete holiday this year! Way to go, NHAD family! 


*Our Manchester Monarchs Performance was a hit! Everyone did a great job and a great time was had by all! Go Monarchs!


*Our "Showcase of Dancers" featuring our Company Students will be held a the Derry Opera House on February 2! We anticipate a sold out show! Tickets are on sale a the studio office! Get yours today!


*Our Annual Day of Giving will be Saturday, May 11! Be sure to sign up with the office if you are interested in boarding the bus and performing at area Nursing Homes and Assisted Living. This is an all day event, but you can sign up for before or after lunch. ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITED!!!


*It's the 80's!!! Our theme for this year's recital is definitely going to be fun. The staff is super excited and thinking about all kinds of unique things that will make this year a show to remember!


*Costumes have been ordered for the show!  Yes!! They should start rolling in beginning in March!



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