About Rhythm Works
RHYTHM WORKS Integrative Dance has re-imagined popular hip hop dance classes for the purpose of supplementing existing therapy/IEP goals, as well as providing a pathway to integrate kids with individual learning differences into inclusive dance classes. The curriculum is adapted by the instructor to fit the needs of each student and is appropriate for all ages, boys and girls.
Student Benefits
Gross motor skills
Fine motor skills
Body awareness
Body control
Social Skills
Motor Planning
Memory & Recall
Receptive language
Expressive language
At NH Academie of Dance, we understand that every child learns in their own unique way! Our certified instructor has years of experience in the field of special education and dance. Classes are kept small to allow for a more intimate learning experience. Assistive buddies (parent, therapist, sibling) join the dancer in the RHYTHM WORKS class to help lend a hand when needed and we have additional instructors aiding the class as well.
Rhythm Works Integrative Dance runs in 10 week sessions, and includes a private consultation with our certified teacher. Each class is 45 minutes. The session tuition is $210.